UI/UX design and web portal development for IF Advokatforsikring, Norway (2019-2020)
UI/UX design and web portal development for IF Advokatforsikring (2019-2020) UI/UX design from scratch, software application design and web portal development for IF Advokatforsikring. MVP phase started - on going project.AquaTools web application development for SpillFree AS, Norway (2017-2020)
AquaTools web application development for SpillFree AS, Norway (2017-2020) AquaTools web application development for SpillFree AS which consists advanced alogrythm based eight models/tools for fishing industries to use in NorwaySolPass-appen for Brun og blid, Norway (2015-2017)
SolPass-appen for Brun og blid, Norway (2015-2017) Mobile App development with back-end/admin panel solutions for Brun og blid, NorwayBooknordics.com web portal design and development, Norway (2018-2020)
Booknordics.com web portal design and development, Norway (2018-2020) A large travel based web application for all Nordic coutnries. Have delivered MVP to Booknordics AS and now it is on the next phase of the development.Unity based games development for iOS and Android, Norway (2016)
Unity based games development for iOS and Android (2016) Mobile game development for SuperEgo ASWeb Application development with back-end admin panel for BIMBEAR, Norway (2014-2015)
Web application development for Bimbear.no unique content management system development with PHP for bimbear.noWeb site development for ‘LFSS’ – Landsforeningen for forebygging av selvskading og selvmord, Norway (2015-2016)
Web site development for ‘LFSS’ (2015-2016) Web site development for ‘LFSS’ – Landsforeningen for forebygging av selvskading og selvmord in Wordpress.Ctrl App developed for App Invest AS, Norway (2012-2013)
Har du fått en dyr telefonregning uten å skjønne helt hvorfor? Da kan det være at du har gått i «servicenummerfella». Visste du at når du ringer til din lokale bank, drosje, pizzarestaurant eller kabeltv-leverandør må du betale et sted mellom 2-4 kroner per minutt? Det er faktisk billigere å ringe hjem fra ferie i…