Mobile App development – Cuidar+ for ISMAI, Portugal (2015-2016)
Mobile App development – Cuidar+ for ISMAI, Portugal (2015-2016) Mobile App development with back-end/admin panel solutions for ISMAI (Portugal) with the co-operation with EEA Grant and Helsedirektorate, NorwayStop series Apps and back-end development for SuperEgo AS (2014-2016)
Superego Stopp series Apps (2014-2016) Superego digital-therapy solution series development including web portal and Apps on mobile devices (iPhone and Androids) for mental patients in Norway and European Union countries.Unity based games development for iOS and Android, Norway (2016)
Unity based games development for iOS and Android (2016) Mobile game development for SuperEgo AS“Choose to Disturb” Android App design and development, Norway (2012)
“Choose to Disturb” Android App design and development, Norway (2012-2013)[/vc_column_text]
Ctrl App developed for App Invest AS, Norway (2012-2013)
Har du fått en dyr telefonregning uten å skjønne helt hvorfor? Da kan det være at du har gått i «servicenummerfella». Visste du at når du ringer til din lokale bank, drosje, pizzarestaurant eller kabeltv-leverandør må du betale et sted mellom 2-4 kroner per minutt? Det er faktisk billigere å ringe hjem fra ferie i…
Prototype development for treadmill android app for Activit AS, Norway (2015)
Prototype development for treadmill android app for Activit AS, Norway.[/vc_column_text]